Introducing Momento 3

We’re pleased to announce that Momento 3 is live on the App Store!

First launched in 2010, Momento introduced the concept of ‘automatic journalling’ to iOS. Over the years we have developed that concept and learned a great deal about how people have benefited from Momento - recording, remembering and improving their lives. This knowledge, together with user feedback and our vision for the future have informed the development of Momento 3.

We have re-designed and re-built Momento from the ground up to create a richer and smarter journaling experience. Each step of capturing, remembering and sharing your life story has been carefully re-crafted to make it easier and more immersive.

What's New in Momento 3?

Visual Summaries

The new design brings focus to your photos, summarising these captured moments with key memories from each day, month and year. Summaries guide you through your life story and provide quick recollection of your past at a glance.

Explorable Timelines

Every moment collected in Momento is now intelligently organised into explorable timelines, based on the date, the people you interacted with and the places you visited. In a few taps you can travel back in time to rediscover and relive moments at a favourite place, with a close friend or ‘on this day’ in previous years.

Enhanced Feeds

Momento will now detect people, places and tags in moments imported from feeds. This not only helps provide additional context to a moment, but also allows Momento to make these moments explorable and searchable.

We have focussed on the most popular feeds at present and enhanced them to support some of our new features. We plan to support more feeds very soon.

Improved Capture

Photos play a big part in recording our lives and are a quick and easy way to capture a moment. They provide a prompt when it comes to writing and are a great way to summarise and remember a moment.

Momento now automatically groups photos based on the time and location at which they were taken. This allows you to make past entries in bulk whilst retaining information of when and where they happened. We’ve also added support for video so you can now capture your moments in motion!


We remember our past primarily by events which have taken place. Events in Momento 3 group moments between two dates — all you have to set is a name, start time and end time — in much the same way as an entry in your calendar. Everything between those two dates and times will become part of the event. This is a great way to look back on meaningful events such as weddings, trips, holidays and celebrations.

Summary Sharing

New sharing features in Momento create beautiful photo grids and moment summaries to share with friends and family, privately or socially.

iCloud Backup

Momento can now optionally keep a copy of your data safe in iCloud in case you lose or damage your device. Momento allows you to create backups manually or automatically on a daily basis, storing all your data efficiently to keep your cloud storage requirements at a minimum.

These fresh foundations provide the freedom and flexibility for us to build more and build faster. With so many changes under the hood we’ve had to focus on the core features at present, but we have a lot more exciting things to come.

One of those things is our long-awaited iPad app and sync. Momento for iPad is complete and currently in testing whilst we finalise sync. These features are planned for release in the coming months and will be a FREE update for all Momento 3 users.

Momento 3 is a brand new app and our first paid upgrade since we launched five years ago. As a small independent team we rely on our sales to support us in our efforts to continue to grow Momento and provide you with further features and enhancements.

Finally, we’d just like to say a huge thank you to everyone for your support throughout the years. We couldn’t have done it without you. We hope you all enjoy the next generation of Momento!

— Oliver, Michael and Steven